Removing old Vehicle Lettering

One of the reasons people are timid about getting vehicle lettering is of course the idea that it is never coming off again. Or that during the process of the removal the automobile will never look as good as it did before the lettering has been put on in the first place. We’ve all seen the cars on the streets with faded lettering or sticky residue remaining from where there had been a bumper sticker. You might have even seen it on my car if you were looking on the passenger side of it.

Well, I’m here to tell you that I’m just personally lazy when it comes to taking off the lettering on my car. I work in a sign shop 5 days a week, so for me I’ve just been putting off making my car as nice and shiny as it could be, but it is possible. The lettering that we put on your vehicle is called ‘permanent’ because for all standard purposes it is. However it is not permanent in the sense like a tattoo, and is in no way indestructible.

To remove the lettering all you need is the fine point of a blade, you’ll slowly lift up the edge of the lettering and then pull it off with your fingers. Depending on how old and brittle the lettering is it might break off in your hand. This process can take a long time depending on how much lettering you have on your vehicle, make sure to set aside hours to work on it before you begin, or plan that’ll you’ll remove only so much per day.

Once the lettering is removed you will have adhesive residue still remaining. At the shop we like to use a special chemical called Rapid Remover bought from to remove the adhesive. Which I would suggest for any large scale projects, or multiple vehicles as it is very effective. If you’re looking to only work on your own vehicle or something more small scale then Goo Gone is also good at removing adhesive residue, which can be found in many local stores. Spray the chemical onto your vehicle, give it time to sink in, then with a hard plastic edge you can scrape the adhesive away. For a visual guide you can watch this video Rapid Remover placed up

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